On Friday night we had Joisan's teacher and Naoko over for dinner. Ian made a yummy dinner and Kayo san brought a Mother's Day cake...
On Saturday Ian and Joisan and I went to Muroran to check out the track and field meet. There was evidence of spring in Mororan - so I made Ian pose by it so we'd have lasting proof that spring really does come to Hokkaido!
The track and field meet was fun to watch. It was all very official and Joisan and I were particularly facinated with the hurdles. It's quite a feat to be able to run and jump those! We watched a couple of people fall - it looked painful. It was a good scoping trip to see how it's all going to go next month when Joisan participates.
On Sunday (Mother's Day)I was treated to stuffed French toast for breakfast - made by my daughter! Ian had agreed to help Takeshi for the day so I had to run him out to their place for 9am. He worked all day starting mushrooms and splitting wood. The kids and I came back in time for dinner when Takeshi made us fresh soba (buckwheat) noodles. It's quite a process and it was amazing to watch him make them.
We had an amazing meal and the company was fantastic.
We still have not heard from the hospital about Taran's MRI so I expect we'll have to call the hospital and find out what's up.
On Tuesday Joisan's class walked to a nearby farm where then began an eight week program of work experience. This farm has a sponsorship relationship with a Q Chan - the 2000 Olympic gold medalist in the marathon. She is quite the celebrity and it was quite the media circus. She had some serious paparazzi with her and she couldn't move without cameras in her face from all angles. The kids all worked hard and planted trays and trays of broccoli seeds.
I'm not sure if Q Chan will be there every time but I'm doubting it. I really can't see them having that media circus there every time.
That brings us up to today - I was so excited at the adult class tonight because I found out that one of my students is expecting a baby!! I'm doubtful that I'll get to be involved in any way but I'm still really excited about it!
I'm putting another photoshare up either tonight or tomorrow so look for it!
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