Saturday, December 12, 2009

From Joisan

It’s Friday, and my brain is a little dead. One more week to go!!!?? I am very very excited and I just can’t wait to go on a 10 hour plane ride.... NOT. I don’t quite remember what has happened this week... yet I am still forced to write this. It snowed one day, I can’t remember which. I think it was Saturday. We went to Mushroom Kingdom (a tourist place) on Saturday to pick up a few items I can’t name at the moment, but I promise to tell you next week... maybe. Monday was Monday, and Tuesday was Tuesday. But Wednesday was definantly not a normal Wednesday. Wednesday, we were due at the hospital, and it was also only a five period day. On five period days, if there are no meetings, or no clubs, then the students sometimes play something in the gym. Well there were no meetings, so they were going to play volleyball, when my teacher invited me to play, and I (regretfully) replied in Japanese. I had asked my dad a few weeks ago, what you would say for “I will go to the hospital”, and yes, it slipped. She made the biggest of deals, and the news that I had spoken Japanese was around the school in 3 minutes (no joke). Anyway, both Thursday and Friday, I spoke a teensy bit of Japanese, and each time, whoever I was with made a big deal of it. Hopefully, if they want me to continue to speak Japanese then they will tone it down a few notches. Anyway, of what I can remember, that is my week.

1 comment:

  1. Jozu ne, Joisan! Pretty soon you'll be able to say, "Tadaima!"
